See and hear


Designer of wooden
musical spoons
and bones

Our spoons

Caron-L'Écuyer musical spoons are easy-to-play percussion instruments: two spoons struck together to produce a sound that is repeated at the desired rhythm. Fun and convivial, they are used to set the rhythm for wakes of music and song, to mark the cadence of a melody, to accompany singers and musicians.

Our musical bones

Our musical bones are original models designed and made in Quebec with Quebec woods. They were designed in our workshop in collaboration with Olivier Bussières, a seasoned musician and percussionist "to the bone".

About us

What matters most to me in my work is the satisfaction of producing musical instruments of high technical and sonic quality, while creating designs with graceful lines and pleasing aesthetics. All my spoon models are original creations, handcrafted here in my workshop, near the Lake of Two Mountains, northwest of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
More about us
More about us

How to play? 

It's relatively easy to master the musical spoons and, with a little practice, you can quickly become quite adept at accompanying voices and instruments.
Learning to play
Learning to play
Photo of Ben Cliche


Discover videos made by various artists from Quebec and elsewhere using our spoons.
Caron-L'Écuyer musical spoons collection